Party Purse

Party Purse

Bracelet and bag in an elegant classic version.
It is simultaneously a COOL piece of jewelry and can hold what you need when you are out in the city.

Idea + design is a collaboration between Textile designer Inge Lindqvist and me.
The bracelet bag has received awards and participated in several foreign censored exhibitions. and part of The Danish Arts Foundation Jewellery Box

Price Dkk 1800

Practical information
Material:    100% wool and a logotag in silver.
Size:          Ø 16 cm x H 4 cm


  • 2003-Grant from Dir. Christian Grauballes Mindelegat for samarbejdet 002.
  • 2003-Sold to til Kunstforeningen af 14. august
  • 2003-Sold to Statens Kunstfond og del af smykkeskrin
  • 2004-Exhibited at Hotel Passione, Frankfurt, D
  • 2004-Exhibited atGalleri Aurum, Reykjavik, ISL
  • 2004-05- Exhibited at S.O.F.A., Chicago
  • 2005-Exhibited at Damhuset , DK
  • 2006-Grant from Danmarks Nationalbanks Jubilæumsfond af 1968
  • 2006-Exhibited at Gimsinghoved Kunst & Kultur Center, Struer.
  • 2007-Exhibited at Trendzonen Formland